Saturday, May 21, 2011

How many cigarettes can I bring back with me from Saudi Arabia in to the US

How many cigarettes can I bring back with me from Saudi Arabia in to the US?
My boyfriend is working in Saudi Arabia and would like to know how many cigarettes is he allowed to bring back with him (through customs) in to the US.... Any suggestions?
Saudi Arabia - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
He can bring back as many as he wants, but don't get caught but really, You are allowed only 2 cartons of cigarettes through customs.
2 :
I don't know where "Peter K" got his information from, but you are allowed to bring in 200 cigarettes only which means 1 carton. Your bf should put one carton inside the check in luggage and a couple packs in different pockets and the carry on. That way he will be fine. Do not overdue it. When caught (and that happens) he will not get punished, but will have to pay tax on it. That way cheap cigarettes will become expensive fast.
3 :
Tell him to use his socks, they never check there.
4 :
I took about 3 cartons with me, but what I did was I removed the packs out of the cartons and spread them out in my clothes. not really hiding them, just removed from the cartons so they knew I wasnt planning on selling them. I also had on my carry one a few packs.
5 :
yes. spread them out in your carryon and checked.. and put them in your underwear (the underwear in the luggage, not what your wearing. hahaha) .. no one likes riffling through old gross underwear.. its true..
6 :
well, check the us customs website, tobacco and firearms office maybe. usually it is 200 cigarettes per person, or 10packs.
7 :
i think 2 cartons.