Tuesday, June 7, 2011

is an arm tattoo prohibited in Saudi Arabia

is an arm tattoo prohibited in Saudi Arabia?
I'm planning to have an arm tattoo up to my elbow but I will be working in Saudi Arabia. I'll be working on a drilling rig.
Saudi Arabia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You bet your ass it is illegal. every thing that could be fun or cool is outlawed in that hellhole. armpit of the world
2 :
Having tattoos is forbidden in Islam because you are altering the body that God gave and made for you. It's forbidden for Saudi nationals and anyone living in the country. I would suggest waiting until after your job is complete to get a tattoo just to be on the safe side.
3 :
Hmm? yes Tattoos are forbidden in Islam, and you will find no Tattoo parlor anywhere in SaudiArabia.. at least in the open, I dont know if there are black market parlors, but Ive never heard of them.. but having said this.. Ive lived in Aramco housing community for a number of years and there were many American men who had tattoos on their forearms.. No one said anything to them, they are NOT fired due to this.. My immediate neighbor being one.. He was the full fledged tattoo/harley davidson motorcycle dude.. long hair, he pulled back in a pony tail, the boots, etc... It was hilarious to see him like this in this society, but no one cared.. He minded his own business and didnt try to flaunt the tattoos, that was just him.. (OH and by the way, he is a supervisor on a drilling rig)
4 :
it is illegal in saudi arabia, they probably will not let you in the country.
5 :
Muslims are not into having tattoos for certain reasons. Leaving this alone, no, you will not have a problem being a non Muslim and having a tattoo. Just have it made in your home country and not in KSA. Take care.