Friday, September 7, 2012

Is it ok to work in Riyadh, saudi Arabia

Is it ok to work in Riyadh, saudi Arabia?
Specifically in Dr. Saad Al-Gwaiz Polyclinic... please send me answers if you have an idea.. For james 916 Thanks for the answer, i got urpoint for that. that's the reason why i am searching for many answers about that place.
Saudi Arabia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
As a woman, be sure to give this some careful thought. If you don't already live in Riyadh, I found it significantly more conservative than, say, Jeddah so you might want to think about the lifestyle changes more than anything else. If you don't live in Saudi at all or haven't visited I should do some careful investigation as you're unlikely to get a visa beforehand apart from a Hajj visa (don't even think about trying for one if you're not Muslim). If you are happy with the culture outside work, just treat it as any other job - try and speak to some of the other employees.
2 :
You'd better work in Jeddah. A lot of muttawa will harass you in Riyadh. Jeddah is the best! JEDDAH...JEDDAH...JEDDAH... Enjoy the breeze from the red sea.
3 :
well, what do you mean by ok?
4 :
It's ok to work anywhere.... Not working is the problem... If you want, you can look for jobs other than Riyadh, see Good luck
5 :
sure it is.