Saudi Arabia - 12 Answers
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1 :
I shouldn't think so as a lot of western women work there as nurses, doctors and teachers. As long as you don't drink alcohol and respect Islam you should be fine.
2 :
Well, no. It all depends on what type of job you are doing and where. If youre there to look for a job in retail, then good luck. They look for men mostly (Except in womens clothing stores, obviously women employees), but if you are doing some work here under a contract with a petroleum/engineering company, then there is no problem. No taxes, 19 cent gas (Per gallon!). If you keep around the general Saudi population, then they will treat you with great hospitality as you are a guest. Now if you like to lounge around the more noticably troubled areas, then dont be surprised if anything happens. and dont be afraid to ask people in your compound about a place youve never been before, maybe its a hunting zone on foreign women being taken advantage of by a bunch of immature saudi teens who have no life (and think dad's money is all they need). SO yes, its not difficult, in fact, lots of Americans/British citizens are looking for relocations in their company if it has a branch in the middle east (Saudi Arabia,Qatar, Kuwait < < The really wealthy ones) so they can stay away from the economic woes back home.
3 :
I shouldnt think so but could depend on where you go, some places are a lot more strict than others. i am a 30 year old woman and relocating to jeddha for work later on, at present i spead a few weeks a month there and have no problems. As a western you dont have to cover your head and there are private beaches etc to go to at weekends. Also as long as you live on a western compound you are free to do as you please and just need to cover up when you venture outside in public. As to working, some of teh big companies woould employee women .
4 :
no, it is probably easier than in the west as women are respected more and not treated as objects.
5 :
definatly one muslim shake will kidnap you
6 :
No, it is not really. As I mentioned before you would just have to go with the flow. The culture is different not only outwardly, i.e. dress and so on, but also in the ways things work and the ways you need to communicate best. But that you would have to pick up after you arrive. For women, the most popular jobs are teachers. They also hire in nursing and generally medical professions. You could also set up your own business if you are very ambitious. Regarding life, you would learn a lot of new things here as it is a different culture and you can make many friends. If you are married or not makes no real difference. There are people that get married with colleagues if it is their luck. Hmmmm....what else? There are not many danger zones, or at least any I came across and I doubt as mentioned above that any grown up western women fall pray to young saudi teenagers. For goodness sake, women are smarter than that!!! and hope not that desperate.
7 :
its hard trust me .... ISLAM WORLD there its not like the west niether lebanon niether isreal.. ITS 1000 ====>>>> hard
8 :
only in Aramco Saudi Company is not difficult becuse is freedom in Aramco
9 :
She can live according to the teachings of Islam but it would be difficult to work. I think both things are possible.
10 :
in my opinion, yes. i see it safe. i have seen so many foreign women working and nothing has happened to them.
11 :
no its easy when youre american, but just be aware of the law and their culture here, you can not apply american ways of making friends here, men and women & single men and families can not be mixed in 1 place. there was 1 case of an american woman here who were detained for having a coffee in starbucks with her male colleague. as i said men and women can not mixed unless you were husband and wife.
12 :
i'm a saudi woman from jeddah...and i've lived for a short while in the i could honestly tell you that it could be both...depends on your needs, expectations and personality. you're going to move out from your country where you were born and raised're used to certain things and ways that you may take for granted now and don't even notice...and you're moving to another country half way across'll be faced with the different culture, mind set or systems, religion, traditions and so's something you should obviously expect...the issue is: will you accept that change? will you adapt to it? and will you remain happy and content afterwards or would you rather go back to what's familiar and comfortable back home? that's what happenned to i said i'm a saudi from's a relativly open city...i'm not against westerners and i'm not closed minded or rigid...etc and i've spent virtually 10s of summer vacations in the states and europe so when i moved to the states i had an idea of what's awaiting me...still, i found it to be the most difficult experience i had to go through in my cut a long story short, i wasn't made for the US and the US wasn't made for me. like mixing oil with water...doesn't and didn't work. women in my country go to college, work, start thier own businesses...there are alot of expats from other arab, asian, african and even european countries. they're either here for work, thier husbands work, or they're married to saudis and live here...for the most part, it's not difficult to live and work in saudi for anyone if they are open to the new culture (and religion if you're not muslim or know any thing about islam) and way of could find jobs in schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, special education centers, rehab centers, different companies and organizations for media and advertising, oil and gas companies, pharmaceuticals, consultation firms, banks and financial investment firms even companies such as P&G, Unil., coke...etc. i can't really count them all here...but you get the picture... once you settle and save up some money you could start your own business on the side...a lot of saudis would welcome having you as a partner for your expertise or even simply because you're american (an advantage in certain businesses lol ) if you're worried about covering up or not being able to drive and all that stuff...don't'll learn that not everything is as it seems...if you're not muslim, most places in saudi won't care if you don't cover up..(i gotta say,some cities have different cultures and are a bit more strict...but in my city, jeddah, you will never face a problem)'ll start seeing and understanding the benefits of not driving in saudi just a couple of hours after you'll love the fact that you wont drive and have some one else go through the road stress, pick up the laundry, look for parking...etc. our islamic faith and arab culture requires and demands us to be hospitable and welcoming to every one regardless of nationality, race or religion...that's how we were brought up...we would literary take the clothes off our backs and the food in our plates and go far beyond our way to make our guests, travelers and any one that passes by us comfortable and if you're worried about us running after you down the streets throwing eggs or beating you with a stick...don't be, we don't do that. (that being said, our society is not perfect and even though our religion and culture dicipline us you'll still find the ignorant, discriminating and arrogant individuals that might offend you or worse...but those are not the majority...just like in any other country) i could talk about a million different things that could prove that life and work in saudi for an american woman would be a great idea and another million that could prove the really should give us more details about what exactly are you worried about...i probably could help you better that way. good luck and god bless