My dad recently got a job offer from a company in saudi arabia? please let me know if it is safe to work there ? moreover my dad is 55.
Saudi Arabia - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
where are you from first? and which city you will go to it is very safe in saudi, crime is very low if you are from the middle east or from india or pakistan or asia, or african, you have no problems,
2 :
No problem, go ahead. Saudi Arabia is one of the safest place with less crime rate. All the best.
3 :
Yes ! my uncle have done the 7 years job in a American-Saudi company named Career. He told us that it was very wonderful experience.
4 :
Very safe. Its has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Just obey the rules like no drinking etc. And learn some basic Arabic at least.
5 :
absolutely! one of the places in the world i feel the safest
6 :
very safe... crime is very low.. people tend to leave car doors open, houses unlocked, ive even once forgot and left my laptop in my car for 4 hours while inside a mall, and came back and there it still was.. peoples moral fiber here are very high.. The only, really only thing your dad will hate is the heat, everything else is fine... goodluck! and may God bless your family!
7 :
You and your dad have nothing to worry about. Saudi is a very safe country and as everyone else said the crime rate is really low. however it will depend on which city he will be in. some cities are ofcourse better than others in entertainment & shopping, restaurants...etc. Besides the heat, your dad will get very bored untill he makes friends. My dad is the same age as yours and he is actually looking for a job here in saudi so he will be close to me. I have been here for 5 years & i was really lonely & bored in the begining, now when i go back home for holidays i miss Saudi!!!!!
8 :
Crime wise it is very safe. However, keep in mind that what may be normal practices in a western community could be too risky here in KSA e.g. drinking, talking and going out with women, smoking etc.