I have a math degree, with operational research, statistics and math background, work experience is of office based analytical type I am a single mum to 3 children - how likely is it I will find work
Corporations - 2 Answers
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1 :
very low to no chance *** women in KSA aren't encouraged to work. Foreigners aren't wanted as workers unless there aren't enough locals in a field. And you don't say that you are Muslim. The way work for foreigners is found in KSA is through the employer and very few recruit outside KSA, especially for women. Offhand, I'd say the best chance is via your country's foreign service -- you want to be hired for your country's embassy or consulate in KSA. Next best chance, and a real long shot, is as a teacher of women at some school in KSA -- most likely a school only for foreigners and inside some foreigner-only compound. ...
2 :
You can apply at the Saudi Aramco, which has a reputation for paying good salaries and providing good accommodations. http://www.jobsataramco.com/Home/Job.aspx And you can inquire at various recruitment agencies for Saudi Arabia and other Arabian Gulf countries. http://www.gulfjobsites.com/jobs/Saudi_Arabia/Recruitment_Agents/ There are plenty of western women working in Saudi Arabia. They aren't allowed to drive in most places, except inside compounds such as that of Aramco and others. But taking a taxi there isn't much of a problem, as long as you have a mobile phone. But bringing your three children with you might be a problem for you. Most work contracts in Sauda Arabia are single status only. Which means that you aren't allowed to bring your family members to stay with you. In most cases, family members are only allowed to visit. But it depends on the type of job you get. Medical doctors, managers, and other types of senior employees usually are allowed to bring their family with them to stay there and go to an English-speaking school, if necessary.