I work in saudi arabia 6 yrs, May 2009 I go to india on leave but not return&my visa expired Sep 09, I want to?
know, how can I get new work visa or how long wait for entry in saudi arabia.
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
The first thing to know is that is your iqama still valid. if it is valid than your sponsor have to make a letter to the embassy in india for the extension of your re-entry visa after signing and COC they have to send the letter to you. Then you will submit you passport along with extension letter to the embassy to get an extension. normally they extend for 30 days it means that you have to travel with in 30 days after extension.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
I am black listed in UAE due to non payment of bank loans and court case. Can i go and work in Saudi Arabia of
I am black listed in UAE due to non payment of bank loans and court case. Can i go and work in Saudi Arabia of?
Can any one give me legal advice?
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can come but you are not welcome
Can any one give me legal advice?
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can come but you are not welcome
Friday, August 7, 2009
I am black listed in UAE due to non payment of bank loans and court case. Can i go and work in Saudi Arabia of
I am black listed in UAE due to non payment of bank loans and court case. Can i go and work in Saudi Arabia of?
Can any one give me legal advice?
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can come but you are not welcome
Can any one give me legal advice?
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can come but you are not welcome
Saturday, August 1, 2009
if muslim woman are not allowed to work in saudi arabia what happens when there husband divorces them
if muslim woman are not allowed to work in saudi arabia what happens when there husband divorces them ?
financially what happens to them?? or what happens to them if there husband dies?surely that share of his doesnt last them that long? woman cant just get re-married and its disgusting what they do to muslim woman there i think
Saudi Arabia - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they go home to mom and dad
2 :
Well they'ed get remarried
3 :
they starve.
4 :
huh , who said women are not allowed to work in Saudi Arabia, women have many jobs in saudi , in universities , hospitals, schools , banks and in fashion .
5 :
They are meant to go back to their parents house. If they don't have parents I guess it's just tough luck. That's how things are in Saudi Arabia. Women are treated like children.
6 :
Well thanks for asking.. obviously you dont know much about Saudi.. So hopefully others reading will learn. Yes we Saudi women work.. This is a media hype rumor that says we dont.. We are teachers, lawyers, bankers, business owners, pilots, nurses, doctors, theropists, merchants, cooks, social workers, designers, tailors, political appointees, tv news achors, actors, embassadors, the list is endless for what we can do and do do! Yes, there are some woman who are not that educated and probably they go back to their parents house after divorce. The husband is to pay support for the woman though.. But im sure just like in the west, he finds ways around this.. There are also loads of divorcee women that remarry.. Men no longer view the old stigma of "used".. I know many remarried women here.. and they are happy in their 2nd marriages. I dont feel that ive been treated disgusting.. In fact.. I think our woman are better off than women in the west.. We are not exploited for our bodies like the west is.. WE dont have this naked body stereotype to live up to, like the western woman.. Crimes against woman are still higher in the west than they are here..
7 :
and who told you this silly information !! Saudi women work and they are briliant . they are teachers , doctors , instructors , nurses and the list goes on .... , if you know nothing about Saudi Arabia , then stop creating stories from your mind . Nothing will happen to them financially by God`s Will , because the majority here in saudi arabia have better lives masha Allah and all thanks due to Allah and i think some of you here forget this point.. Do you think that we should need husbands until we can have better lives ??? No , we don`t need husbands hun to have better lives... i wish that you got the point ,
8 :
Muslim women can and do work in Saudi Arabia. Many Saudi women even own their own businesses. If a Saudi woman's husband dies, then I believe the government will give her and her children money, like social security. It's not a lot, but it's something. Also, if her parents are alive, she would go home to live with her parents, and not stay alone.
9 :
"woman cant just get re-married and its disgusting what they do to muslim woman there i think" I think you a55-u-me too much; the average woman here has three to four brothers and countless uncles in both directions, the old Chinese rule of one child per family does not apply here.
10 :
I can tell you with confidence, there is no legal system that gives women more rights than Islamic Shariah , despite what you hear or read about it to the contrary ; it is almost always taken out of context. For example they tell you in Islamic law sons inherit twice what the daughters get , but they don't tell you that in out of the 35 possible inheritance scenarios women get more or equal inheritance than men in 32 of them. So you should look at the entire picture not just the speckle on the bottom. Also take into account the Islamic law makes it the man's responsibility to spend and provide for the woman , while the woman KEEPS ALL HER MONEY and she does not have to give the man any thing. Even the fathers, not just the husbands, the father is responsible for his daughters even after they get married, so even if the daughter gets divorced the father must provide her financial needs regardless of age, while for the sons this is not the case, they are responsible for themselves after adulthood or completing collage. The men also must do the hard jobs, defend the country and die in wars or whatever disasters , and so on. Not only that , the divorced woman on top of getting money from the father, she also gets a Sadaq (divorce dowry) payment plus mandatory alimony on the ex-husband until she remarries (yes even if they had no kids). And if they had a child she gets the husband's house + alimony until either she gets remarried or the child reaches 14. Please tell me which legal/social security system gives women better rights than these. Now I am not saying life is perfect, as there are a lot of problems in SA and other Islamic countries, but that is not because of the spirit of law , it is rather because there are abuse and misuses of it. And in that regard no ones disagrees. But it is not like western countries don't have problems, just look around you first. I'd also remind you every Muslims with regular income pays a minimum of 2.5% of their annual income for the poor and needy , and some of that goes to divorced women & orphans (this 2.5% is mandatory on top of elective charity). Governments also pay social benefits.
11 :
women can work in saudi arabia.
12 :
what are you saying they do work my aunt if over there and shez a doctor and i know this women that owns her own company there to so you could go check yourself! Thank you very much! and in the future i want to live there and inshallah have my own company there to!
13 :
The same thing that happens to a woman any where else in the world when she gets divorced....She picks her butt up off the floor and goes on to a better life.
14 :
Mintee has the best answer
15 :
What are you talking about TONS of women work here, lol. Even women fro other countries come here to work as well. A woman does not need a man here. She can have a house, a job, ride in a taxi or whatever else she needs to do on her own. The only thing is women can not drive but tons of resources are available. What is so disgusting that who does? Are you even Muslim? Have you ever been here?
16 :
Women ARE ALLOWED to work in Saudi. Most either have jobs, inheritance or go home to their family and usually re-marry.
17 :
Dear, in Saudi Arabia women do work and actually (as far as I am informed) there are more highly prepared women leaving university than men. Why do you think that women don´t work? I mean, you hear something about Taliban and Afghanistan and yes you are right, these situations existed and unfortunately have not improved much over there. But it´s got nothing to do with Saudi Arabia. It is not so long ago that divorce was impossible in many European countries, I guess you know that in Spain and Portugal divorce was not legal until the 80th and that in Germany until 1972 married women had to obtain permission from their husbands to be a allowed to keep their work after marriage and sign any working contract. Same in Spain, until 1975 (when the dictator died) women could not be judges and married women had to convince their husband to sign their working contract to give them allowance to work. As well married women were not allowed to travel on their own without a written permission from their husband and signed by a notary (even travelling within the different provinces of Spain.) Domestic violence “did not exist†in Spain and if a husband mistreated his wife it was called like “private problems†and if the wife ran away, the police haunted her and she was send back to her husband by law. Now, divorce has been and still is highly criticized by the Catholic church, meanwhile Islam does accept divorce and does not condemn the divorcees, neither men, nor women… And talking about Europe, dear, many women here don´t like to work, they simply want to get married just to have a provider and when it comes to a divorce they try to get out of their ex-husband as much as possible – just to be able to keep up their lazy life… Dear, you would be surprised how many women like that I know… I never have been to Saudi Arabia (although I travelled a lot in the region and I have good friends actually working in Saudi Arabia). I think it is easy to criticize other people and nations and unfortunately nowadays it seems that people who are Muslims are automatically regarded as an enemy, as if they would be dangerous just for the fact that they are Muslims, as well as people think that all Muslim men mistreat their wives and that Muslim women don´t have education. I think that the fault is that we get transmitted certain ideas by the media to make us believe what certain governments wants us to believe, as it is very convenient for them to create the enemy picture of the “bad and evil Arab Muslimâ€. I think that we should be a little more clever than believing all the rubbish they try to sell us...
18 :
woman working nowadays is permitted..i have lots of muslim woman co-workers at work. sad to say, i've seen a lot of woman here in the kingdom that are on the streets...like beggars. i guess, their husband died and don't a have family to take care of them. I have a friend who supporting his sister after her husband dies..
19 :
we do work in saudi...in manyyyy jobs..where did u get the idea we dont:S
financially what happens to them?? or what happens to them if there husband dies?surely that share of his doesnt last them that long? woman cant just get re-married and its disgusting what they do to muslim woman there i think
Saudi Arabia - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they go home to mom and dad
2 :
Well they'ed get remarried
3 :
they starve.
4 :
huh , who said women are not allowed to work in Saudi Arabia, women have many jobs in saudi , in universities , hospitals, schools , banks and in fashion .
5 :
They are meant to go back to their parents house. If they don't have parents I guess it's just tough luck. That's how things are in Saudi Arabia. Women are treated like children.
6 :
Well thanks for asking.. obviously you dont know much about Saudi.. So hopefully others reading will learn. Yes we Saudi women work.. This is a media hype rumor that says we dont.. We are teachers, lawyers, bankers, business owners, pilots, nurses, doctors, theropists, merchants, cooks, social workers, designers, tailors, political appointees, tv news achors, actors, embassadors, the list is endless for what we can do and do do! Yes, there are some woman who are not that educated and probably they go back to their parents house after divorce. The husband is to pay support for the woman though.. But im sure just like in the west, he finds ways around this.. There are also loads of divorcee women that remarry.. Men no longer view the old stigma of "used".. I know many remarried women here.. and they are happy in their 2nd marriages. I dont feel that ive been treated disgusting.. In fact.. I think our woman are better off than women in the west.. We are not exploited for our bodies like the west is.. WE dont have this naked body stereotype to live up to, like the western woman.. Crimes against woman are still higher in the west than they are here..
7 :
and who told you this silly information !! Saudi women work and they are briliant . they are teachers , doctors , instructors , nurses and the list goes on .... , if you know nothing about Saudi Arabia , then stop creating stories from your mind . Nothing will happen to them financially by God`s Will , because the majority here in saudi arabia have better lives masha Allah and all thanks due to Allah and i think some of you here forget this point.. Do you think that we should need husbands until we can have better lives ??? No , we don`t need husbands hun to have better lives... i wish that you got the point ,
8 :
Muslim women can and do work in Saudi Arabia. Many Saudi women even own their own businesses. If a Saudi woman's husband dies, then I believe the government will give her and her children money, like social security. It's not a lot, but it's something. Also, if her parents are alive, she would go home to live with her parents, and not stay alone.
9 :
"woman cant just get re-married and its disgusting what they do to muslim woman there i think" I think you a55-u-me too much; the average woman here has three to four brothers and countless uncles in both directions, the old Chinese rule of one child per family does not apply here.
10 :
I can tell you with confidence, there is no legal system that gives women more rights than Islamic Shariah , despite what you hear or read about it to the contrary ; it is almost always taken out of context. For example they tell you in Islamic law sons inherit twice what the daughters get , but they don't tell you that in out of the 35 possible inheritance scenarios women get more or equal inheritance than men in 32 of them. So you should look at the entire picture not just the speckle on the bottom. Also take into account the Islamic law makes it the man's responsibility to spend and provide for the woman , while the woman KEEPS ALL HER MONEY and she does not have to give the man any thing. Even the fathers, not just the husbands, the father is responsible for his daughters even after they get married, so even if the daughter gets divorced the father must provide her financial needs regardless of age, while for the sons this is not the case, they are responsible for themselves after adulthood or completing collage. The men also must do the hard jobs, defend the country and die in wars or whatever disasters , and so on. Not only that , the divorced woman on top of getting money from the father, she also gets a Sadaq (divorce dowry) payment plus mandatory alimony on the ex-husband until she remarries (yes even if they had no kids). And if they had a child she gets the husband's house + alimony until either she gets remarried or the child reaches 14. Please tell me which legal/social security system gives women better rights than these. Now I am not saying life is perfect, as there are a lot of problems in SA and other Islamic countries, but that is not because of the spirit of law , it is rather because there are abuse and misuses of it. And in that regard no ones disagrees. But it is not like western countries don't have problems, just look around you first. I'd also remind you every Muslims with regular income pays a minimum of 2.5% of their annual income for the poor and needy , and some of that goes to divorced women & orphans (this 2.5% is mandatory on top of elective charity). Governments also pay social benefits.
11 :
women can work in saudi arabia.
12 :
what are you saying they do work my aunt if over there and shez a doctor and i know this women that owns her own company there to so you could go check yourself! Thank you very much! and in the future i want to live there and inshallah have my own company there to!
13 :
The same thing that happens to a woman any where else in the world when she gets divorced....She picks her butt up off the floor and goes on to a better life.
14 :
Mintee has the best answer
15 :
What are you talking about TONS of women work here, lol. Even women fro other countries come here to work as well. A woman does not need a man here. She can have a house, a job, ride in a taxi or whatever else she needs to do on her own. The only thing is women can not drive but tons of resources are available. What is so disgusting that who does? Are you even Muslim? Have you ever been here?
16 :
Women ARE ALLOWED to work in Saudi. Most either have jobs, inheritance or go home to their family and usually re-marry.
17 :
Dear, in Saudi Arabia women do work and actually (as far as I am informed) there are more highly prepared women leaving university than men. Why do you think that women don´t work? I mean, you hear something about Taliban and Afghanistan and yes you are right, these situations existed and unfortunately have not improved much over there. But it´s got nothing to do with Saudi Arabia. It is not so long ago that divorce was impossible in many European countries, I guess you know that in Spain and Portugal divorce was not legal until the 80th and that in Germany until 1972 married women had to obtain permission from their husbands to be a allowed to keep their work after marriage and sign any working contract. Same in Spain, until 1975 (when the dictator died) women could not be judges and married women had to convince their husband to sign their working contract to give them allowance to work. As well married women were not allowed to travel on their own without a written permission from their husband and signed by a notary (even travelling within the different provinces of Spain.) Domestic violence “did not exist†in Spain and if a husband mistreated his wife it was called like “private problems†and if the wife ran away, the police haunted her and she was send back to her husband by law. Now, divorce has been and still is highly criticized by the Catholic church, meanwhile Islam does accept divorce and does not condemn the divorcees, neither men, nor women… And talking about Europe, dear, many women here don´t like to work, they simply want to get married just to have a provider and when it comes to a divorce they try to get out of their ex-husband as much as possible – just to be able to keep up their lazy life… Dear, you would be surprised how many women like that I know… I never have been to Saudi Arabia (although I travelled a lot in the region and I have good friends actually working in Saudi Arabia). I think it is easy to criticize other people and nations and unfortunately nowadays it seems that people who are Muslims are automatically regarded as an enemy, as if they would be dangerous just for the fact that they are Muslims, as well as people think that all Muslim men mistreat their wives and that Muslim women don´t have education. I think that the fault is that we get transmitted certain ideas by the media to make us believe what certain governments wants us to believe, as it is very convenient for them to create the enemy picture of the “bad and evil Arab Muslimâ€. I think that we should be a little more clever than believing all the rubbish they try to sell us...
18 :
woman working nowadays is permitted..i have lots of muslim woman co-workers at work. sad to say, i've seen a lot of woman here in the kingdom that are on the streets...like beggars. i guess, their husband died and don't a have family to take care of them. I have a friend who supporting his sister after her husband dies..
19 :
we do work in saudi...in manyyyy jobs..where did u get the idea we dont:S
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